As examples of past events, here is a sampling of the activities the Club has taken part in during the last few years. For a listing of our future planned events, go here.
Talija Concerts. Talija is a semi-professional dance troupe from Belgrade, Serbia. They are arguably the best international Serbian troupe out there. We’ve sponsored them here twice, in 2014 and most recently in October of 2016.
Iliana Bozanova workshop. Iliana is a teacher of Bulgarian dances and the Club organizes a One-day workshop where we learn maybe three new dances from that region.

Fall Kolo Party. This is one of the regular events in our calendar. This year we had two bands providing music for dancing, plus the usual food and drinks.

Tamburitzans. The Tammies are a dance troupe are comprised of college-age performers from the Pittsburgh area, originally from Duquesne University. They started as a mostly Croatian dance group but have spread their repertoire to include most of Eastern Europe. They are arguably the best Slavic performers in the U.S. We’ve sponsored several performances by them, the latest in 2011.